
Does Anyone Remember the General Glover House in Swampscott?

The General Glover House was the only restaurant I knew of named after a local Revolutionary War general (John Glover) born in Salem and raised in Marblehead. So, why was the restaurant located in Swampscott? Maybe it was a good "general" location. Sorry for the bad joke.

Anthony Athanas, of legendary Anthony's Pier 4 fame in Boston, opened the General Glover House in 1957 with the charming Essex Room at the forefront of the classic memories here. The Essex Room was definitely charming because they said so in the promotions. The huge room came across with its everything-but-the-kitchen-sink colonial stagecoach stop scenes including the big fireplace, post-and-beam ceilings and lanterns and copper pots all over the place. The waitresses were such good sports, having to dress up in those long colonial-style dresses and the goofy frilled white caps that concealed 60s and 70s hairstyles.

 As kids, we thought George Washington would walk in the room at any moment, especially at night where it was known that he couldn't sleep. How do I know this? Well, he couldn't lie. The General Glover House was good but not great, in my opinion. Down the road in Saugus, the Hilltop Steakhouse served better steaks, and the Continental better popovers. Plus, it was more fun trying to drive 90 MPH out of the parking lot at the Hilltop to try to break into the insane Route 1 southbound traffic.

I believe the General Glover House closed in the 1990s and its presence is definitely missed even if it wasn't my favorite North Shore restaurant. I miss most the really neat colonial theme (well there's a "Leave it to Beaver"-type phrase for you!) and the kind waitresses that were enough to make the dining experience worthwhile!


  1. I liked the General Glover House a lot. I was last there in the late 60s or early 70s. It's location was right on the M'head border, as well as the Salem border. Thanks for bringing back the memory of those frilly hats the waitresses wore :)

  2. oh my goodness, a night out at General Glover House financed by the parents or kind aunt and uncle was the high point of any season. The popovers, the mushroom platters (all BEFORE your app and meal arrived) was mind blowing to a skinny kid who could eat like a truck driver. I am sure I downed a lobster or two afterwards and probably a stawberry romanoff for dessert. I did feel bad for the colonial girls who had to carry around a basket of popovers all night. Pretty boring. Thanks for those wonderful memories.

  3. I worked there from 72-75...I'm sorry to see it's now gone, but it was a gorgeous treasure of a historical building in it's day.

  4. Went there many times, usually to celebrate a wedding anniversary. I have their recipe for marinated mushrooms. I make them every Christmas!

  5. We had our Senior Prom at The General Glover in 1966, Matignon High School.

  6. My dad was a chef at General Glover house for years!

  7. My first job at 15 y/o was washing dishes at The General Glover. Late 79 into early 80. I was allowed to make my own fish for dinner. I worked with an older guy who had washed dishes there since 1957!

  8. Yes! Loved this restaurant, the scene of many very happy & memorable family occasions and dinners . We always asked for a jolly waitress named Tillie who attended to us fantastically.

  9. The only reason to go to the Genral Glover House was the roast beef. For other things, you could go elsewhere. If you ordered that giant bone-in slab and managed to finish it, you were offered a complimentary, but much thinner, second helping. I did it once, just to prove to myself that I could.
