Remembering The Sizzleboard in Boston and the Mean Hippie Waitress

I remember the scene so well at the Sizzleboard in Boston's Kenmore Square. In awe of the selection of sandwiches, we couldn't make up our minds on what to eat.  That brief delay prompted this hippie waitress to yell at us for not moving the line. So much for the summer of love, man!

To her credit, she did apologize and I guess I should have, too, after walking around with one of the worst wiffles ( a buzz cut) in American history. That haircut made Johnny Unitas look like John Stamos.

Looking back at the Sizzleboard now that the emotional scar of a verbal lashing has left 45-plus years later, this was actually an excellent fast food stop -- especially for a ravenous appetite like mine that wanted to eat something before ordering more food at a Fenway Park Boston Red Sox game. The Sizzleboard really knew how to turn out a generously serving in the form of a sandwich without a hint of corporate fast food blandness.

The Sizzleboard definitely had some sizzle, including that waitress that sizzled after our indecisive moment!

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